Octonauts Bubbles, sometimes referred to as Octonauts, is a bubble-popping game that features characters from the animated series of the same name. The player's goal is to help Captain Barnacles and the rest of the crew rescue their crewmember Dashi by popping bubbles through 27 fun levels and a mystery level!
Deep underwater, in a room in an old wooden shipwreck, the player directs Captain Barnacles and other members of the crew to toss bubble projectiles at hanging multicolored bubbles. The bubbles are marked with various marine- and series-based icons (i.e., fish, boats, anchors, paw prints and shields). The player must pop bubbles in clusters of three or more of the same kind. They direct the character by either using an aiming line or simply selecting a target with their cursor.
Octonauts Bubbles makes play more difficult by causing bubbles to move in a bad trajectory and roll haphazardly upon impact with other bubbles based on physics and water movement. If the player does well, they receive points. The game rewards points based on the clusters and any non-matching attached bubbles.